How does access to the Tennessee Academic Library Cooperative (TALC) work?


To be eligible for TALC you must be a currently enrolled student or be employed (full or part time) at a participating institution. You must also be in good standing with your institution's library. Johnson University is a participating institution.

You must be able to log in to to show that you are enrolled in course(s) for the current semester or that you are employed at Johnson University. 

You will also be asked to show your Johnson University ID. If you do not have a Johnson University ID, you may be asked to present a driver's license or other government-issued photo ID.

Borrowing privileges from a participating TALC library require that the borrower accept full responsibility for the items borrowed. As a TALC borrower, you agree to follow all rules and guidelines established by the lending library. Borrower responsibilities include returning materials in time and paying replacement cost of materials and fees, if charged by the lending library.

Contact Glass Memorial Library at library @ to find out about other participating libraries.

  • Last Updated Jul 10, 2024
  • Views 201
  • Answered By Carrie Beth Lowe

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